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Meet Amazing Americans 美國總統 約翰泰勒 (John Tyler)
《向總統致敬》(Hail to the Chief) sheet music
《向總統致敬》(Hail to the Chief) sheet music

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泰勒、家人以及南方的擁護者 Tyler, His Family and His Allegiance to the South

約翰泰勒於1809年正式接任總統一職,在1813年,他和同樣來自於維吉尼亞州統治階級家族的拉緹夏(Letitia Christian)結婚,他們有七個順利長大的小孩(另外兩個未能存活),他的太太因為中風、在他就任總統之前身體就已十分虛弱,於1842年接近52歲生日時去世。

五個月後,約翰泰勒就開始追求22歲、來自顯赫紐約家庭的茱莉亞賈迪納(Julia Gardiner)(當時泰勒已經52歲),他們在1844年結婚、生了七個小孩,最小的一個是泰勒在70歲時生下來的小孩。最小的一個孩子活到杜魯門總統的任期1945-1953之內,這對一個生於華盛頓總統年代的總統來說、真是件神奇的事!

茱莉亞賈迪納(Julia Gardiner)茱莉亞是開創總統進入正式場合會場時,高奏《向總統致敬》(Hail to the Chief)歌曲這個傳統的人;1845年,泰勒和太太退休回到維吉尼亞州逐漸凋零的貴族大農場。您認為泰勒的成長背景對他的政治生涯有什麼樣的影響?

John Tyler was admitted to the Virginia Bar in 1809 (allowing him to practice law). In 1813, he married Letitia Christian, who was also from a ruling family in Virginia. They had seven children who survived infancy (two others did not). Letitia suffered a stroke that severely weakened her before her husband became president. She died in 1842, shortly before her 52nd birthday.

Five months later, Tyler began courting Julia Gardiner, who was 22 (he was 52) and from a prominent New York family. They married in 1844 and had seven children together, the last when Tyler was 70 years old. Their last surviving child lived into the Truman administration of 1945-1953, amazing for a president who was born during George Washington's presidency!

Julia started the custom of having "Hail to the Chief" play when the president enters official gatherings. In 1845, Tyler and his wife retired to his Virginia plantation and the Old Dominion aristocracy, a world that was quickly fading. How do you think Tyler's background influenced his political career?

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