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Meet Amazing Americans 美國總統 約翰泰勒 (John Tyler)
「蒂珀卡努勝利,與泰勒合作也會勝利」漫畫的散頁樂譜。 Sheet music for 'Tippecanoe and Tyler Too! A Comic Glee'
「蒂珀卡努勝利,與泰勒合作也會勝利」漫畫的散頁樂譜。 Sheet music for 'Tippecanoe and Tyler Too! A Comic Glee'

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美國銀行與輝格黨 The U.S. Bank and the Whigs




Tyler's refusal to reverse his vote to censure Jackson was admired by the Whigs in Congress. In 1840, the Whigs nominated Tyler to run for vice president with William Henry Harrison. He became the "and Tyler too" part of their campaign slogan "Tippecanoe and Tyler too."

But Tyler's relationship with the Whigs would not last long. Henry Clay and the other Whigs who "ran the show" for Harrison did not like the way Tyler assumed power after Harrison's sudden death a month into his term. Soon after Tyler took office, Congress passed a bill to reestablish the Bank. Tyler vetoed it and also a second such bill, calling them unconstitutional and against states' rights.

Clay and the other Whigs were angry. All but one member of Tyler's Cabinet resigned in support of Clay. The Whigs severed ties with Tyler, officially expelling him from the party.

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