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Meet Amazing Americans 美國總統 約翰泰勒 (John Tyler)
不受約翰泰勒喜愛的安得魯傑克森 Andrew Jackson, who was disliked by John Tyler
不受約翰泰勒喜愛的安得魯傑克森 Andrew Jackson, who was disliked by John Tyler

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美國銀行與輝格黨 The U.S. Bank and the Whigs



因為不滿意傑克森的政策,克雷 (Clay),約翰柯漢 (John C. Calhou),與丹尼爾韋布斯特 (Daniel Webster) 成立了輝格黨,泰勒也加入了這個政黨。傑克森總統與民主黨人有些什麼反應?

John Tyler was a Democrat who became a Whig out of dislike for President Andrew Jackson. Tyler switched parties while he was a U.S. senator from Virginia. The Whig Party developed out of opposition to Jackson's policies, including his bank policy.

In an effort to break up the Second Bank of the United States, Jackson in 1833 made federal deposits in a number of state banks. Tyler was also opposed to the U.S. Bank, but he perceived this as a terrible abuse of executive power and a violation of states' rights. He condemned Jackson on the Senate floor. Henry Clay followed by urging the Senate to censure (to blame, on record) Jackson for his actions.

Out of their unified dislike for Jackson and his policies, Clay, John C. Calhoun, and Daniel Webster then formed the Whig party. Tyler joined them. How did President Jackson and the Democrats react?
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