
James A. Garfield was succeeded by Chester Arthur after his assassination in 1881.詹姆士嘉菲爾(James A. Garfield) 在賈斯特亞瑟(Chester Arthur)於1881年遇刺後、繼任了亞瑟原有的職務。

承接總統職務 Assuming the Presidency
但憲法直到1967年、第二十五次修正案時才正式修改,憲法中明確地定義副總統在各種不同情況下繼任總統的原則;在泰勒、林肯、嘉菲爾、麥肯錫、哈丁、富蘭克林羅斯福與甘迺迪等多位總統去世後,副總統們都依循「泰勒先例」(Tyler precedent)行使其職權。
John Tyler decided to take the oath of office as president immediately. Already, some people were calling him "vice president, acting as president" instead of "president."
He made it clear that he was fully the president and established a precedent [an example for others to follow] for orderly presidential succession by taking the oath and moving into the White House three days later. No one challenged his actions then, nor has anyone challenged the vice presidents who assumed power under similar circumstances since.
The Constitution was modified, but not until 1967, with the 25th Amendment. It clearly define guidelines for the vice president to succeed the president in a variety of circumstances. Vice presidents have followed the "Tyler precedent" after the deaths of Presidents Taylor, Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, Harding, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and Kennedy.
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