
威廉亨利哈里森於1841年3月4日於華盛頓進行的總統就職演說 Presidential inauguration of William Henry Harrison in Washington, March 4, 1841

承接總統職務 Assuming the Presidency
哈里森總統並不十分在意副手泰勒是否提供幫助,所以泰勒便在哈里森就職後馬上回到維吉尼亞的住所,但一個月之後、也就是1841年4月5日時,泰勒被國務卿丹尼爾韋布斯特(Daniel Webster)之子的敲門聲叫醒。韋布斯特的兒子當時告訴他什麼?
With the election of William Henry Harrison and John Tyler in 1840, the Whig Party tasted real power for the first time. And many office-seekers couldn't wait to grab hold of a job in Washington. At his own inauguration celebrations, Harrison had to move quickly to avoid these greedy individuals.
President Harrison was not interested in Vice President's Tyler's help, so Tyler retreated to his Virginia estate immediately after Harrison's inauguration. But a month later, on April 5, 1841, Tyler awoke to Secretary of State Daniel Webster's son knocking on his door. What was Webster there to tell him?
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