
大衛威爾莫特(David Wilmot),「威爾莫特但書」(Wilmot Proviso)的撰文者 David Wilmot, author of the Wilmot Proviso

從「威爾莫特但書」(Wilmot Proviso) 到1850年的妥協方案 (Compromise of 1850)
波爾克建議延伸密蘇里協議的精神,應用到往西直至太平洋岸的領土上,這樣一來在36' 30'緯度線以下的地區(現今的南加州、新墨西哥、亞利桑納州)屬於維持黑奴制度的地區,而該緯度以上的地區(現今的華盛頓、奧勒岡、愛達荷、猶他、內華達、北加州各地)則屬廢除黑奴制度的地區。奴隸制度最後是否能在新領土上繼續施行?
President Polk's alternative to the Wilmot Proviso was to fall back on the Missouri Compromise, an 1820 law that permitted Missouri to be admitted as a slave state with Maine as a free state.
Polk recommended extending the line of the Missouri Compromise west to the Pacific Ocean. That would have allowed slavery below the 36' 30' latitude line (present-day southern California, New Mexico, and Arizona) and forbid it above (present-day Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Utah, Nevada, and the northern half of California). Was slavery ultimately allowed in the new territory?
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