
湯瑪士傑弗遜寫信給安得魯傑克遜、感謝他在佛羅里達州締造的卓越功績 Thomas Jefferson wrote to Andrew Jackson to thank him for his achievements in Florida

門羅深得人心的總統任期 Monroe's Popular Presidency
Despite a serious recession (when the economy is weak) in 1819, Monroe won a second term as president with no serious opposition. By this time, he had become the most popular president since Washington. Many state banks had failed, however, and dragged small businesses down with them. Unemployment soared. However, at the same time, Monroe was successful in foreign policy.
For example, he sent Gen. Andrew Jackson (a future president) to the Spanish Florida border to ward off Seminole Indians who were hostile to American settlers. This showed how weak Spain was in Florida and allowed Monroe to pressure Spain to give up the territory in 1819.
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