
1872年的密蘇里州地圖 Map of Missouri, 1872

密蘇里協定 The Missouri Compromise
1819年發生了一連串嚴重的經濟問題,門羅總統再度面臨另一個危機,密蘇里是第一個透過路易斯安納購地(Louisiana Purchase)案拓展開拓土地而成立的州,這是門羅在1803年達成的協議,讓當時的美國成為二十二個州的聯邦國家,其中十一個州仍有奴隸制度、另十一個州則已廢除,當時在美國國會對於密蘇里州是否應准許奴隸制度的施行也產生了一番討論。
In 1819, a time of serious economic problems, President Monroe was faced with another crisis. Missouri was the first state to be carved out of land acquired through the Louisiana Purchase, which Monroe had helped negotiate in 1803. It was on the verge of being admitted to the Union at a time when there were 22 states. Eleven states allowed slavery and 11 did not. There was an argument in the U.S. Congress about whether Missouri should or should not allow slavery.
How do you think this argument was resolved?
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