自南部11州退出聯邦 (Union) 並自組美利堅邦聯 (Confederate
States of America) 後,邦聯開始自行印刷紙幣,它不同於北部各州所用的錢。當內戰結束後,南部各州戰敗,因而它所印製的鈔票也值不了幾個錢。林肯被殺的當天,他的皮夾內裝有一張五元邦聯紙鈔,但沒有人知道他為什麼要帶著這張紙鈔。您知道我們現在使用的五元紙鈔上印了那個人的臉嗎?
After 11 Southern states withdrew from the Union to form the Confederate States of America, the Confederacy printed its own money, which was different from the money used in the North. When the Civil War ended, the South had lost to the North, and its money was worth very little. The day he was killed Lincoln had a $5 Confederate note in his pocket, but no one is sure why. Do you know whose face is on the $5 bill we use today?
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