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Meet Amazing Americans 美國總統  約翰昆西亞當斯 (John Quincy Adams)  
一位奴隸創作的歌、闡述他對自由的夢想 Song by a slave, in which he dreams of freedom
一位奴隸創作的歌、闡述他對自由的夢想 Song by a slave, in which he dreams of freedom

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這起案例從西班牙奴隸交易商綁架了53位非洲獅子山人民、帶到古巴當作奴隸交易的事件開始,在1839年7月2日,這群囚犯群起反抗、佔領了船隻,殺害了幾位船員,在船隻進入美國長島海域時,這些非洲籍人民則受到了美國海軍的監管;總統馬丁范布倫(Martin Van Buren)著眼於下一次的選舉、採贊成奴隸制度的立場,希望這群人回到古巴,但康乃迪克州的法官論斷這些人應獲得擺脫奴役者的權力。


Adams's defense of the prisoners from the Spanish slave ship Amistad goes down in history as a pioneering case in the fight against slavery.

It all started when Spanish slave traders kidnapped 53 Africans from Sierra Leone and took them to Cuba to be sold into slavery. On July 2, 1839, the prisoners rose up and took over the ship, killing some of its officers. When the Amistad entered American waters off Long Island, the Africans were taken ashore into custody by the U.S. Navy. President Martin Van Buren, eager for pro-slavery votes in the next election, wanted them returned to Cuba, but a Connecticut judge ruled that they had had a right to escape their captors by any means available.

The government appealed to the Supreme Court, where John Quincy Adams represented the 35 surviving prisoners. He won their freedom on March 9, 1841, and they returned to Sierra Leone in January 1842.

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