
約翰昆西亞當斯過世時的送葬行列 Order of the funeral procession for John Quincy Adams

在1828年與安德魯傑克森(Andrew Jackson)競選總統失利之後,亞當斯卸任回到麻塞諸塞州,但停留在家鄉的時間並不長,1830年11月,他在麻塞諸塞州第十二行政區(普利茅斯Plymouth)獲選為美國眾議院議員;有些歷史學家認為這段期間是亞當斯擔任公職生涯中表現最好的一段時間。他的任期從1831年開始、直到他於1848年2月23日逝世於美國國會大廈中才結束,在他過世的兩天之前他才在寢室中發生中風的病徵。
After losing the 1828 election to Andrew Jackson, Adams retired to Quincy, Massachusetts. But not for long. In November 1830, the 12th District (Plymouth) of Massachusetts elected him to the U.S. House of Representatives. Some historians regard this as the best phase of his public-service career. He served from 1831 until his death in the Capitol building on February 23, 1848, after suffering a stroke two days earlier in the House chamber.
Adams had a very independent streak. How did that help him be successful in Congress?
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