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Meet Amazing Americans 美國總統 傑弗遜 (Thomas Jefferson)
Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) to Roger C. Weightman (1786-1876).
傑佛遜去世前10天所寫 有關的自治政府好處的

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傑弗遜對美國的發展貢獻卓著,但最重要的成就莫過於那張獨立宣言。他真是一位富有遠見的偉人,因為他深信每一個世代都應該有機會改造國家的法律及憲法。這封信是傑佛遜去世前10天所寫,即使在他生命的末 端,他仍相信自治政府管理及永不停滯社會的好處:人民透過他們選出的代表,持續的立法。您能想到最近任何一條新通過的法令嗎?

Thomas Jefferson contributed greatly to the development of the United States, but the single most important item was the Declaration of Independence. His belief that each generation has the chance to remake the country's laws and constitutions was truly visionary. As you can see from this letter, written 10 days before he died, even at the end of his life, Jefferson believed in the blessings of self-government and an ever-changing society in which the people through their elected representatives continue to make new laws. Can you think of some laws that have been made recently?

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