
木屋競選活動(Log Cabin Campaign)的海報 Log Cabin Boys campaign event poster

1840 年的木屋競選活動(Log Cabin Campaign)
The Log Cabin Campaign of 1840
輝格黨汲汲營營於給眾人所需要的一切,利用這一點告訴人民哈里森就像是「住在木屋中、、喝含酒精蘋果汁的候選人」(the log cabin and hard cider candidate)、和所有來自混亂西部地區的人們沒有什麼不同,他們攻擊哈里森的競爭對手、也就是當時的現任總統馬丁範布倫(Martin Van Buren),是個生來富裕的傲慢者、不瞭解一般人民的生活狀況;事實上,哈里森自己才是出生於富有、顯赫家庭的候選人,範布倫才是生於貧窮、勞工階級的候選人。
Whigs, eager to deliver what the public wanted, took advantage of this and declared that Harrison was "the log cabin and hard cider candidate," a man of the common people from the rough-and-tumble West. They depicted Harrison's opponent, President Martin Van Buren, as a wealthy snob who was out of touch with the people. In fact, it was Harrison who came from a wealthy, prominent family while Van Buren was from a poor, working family.
But the election was during the worst economic depression to date, and voters blamed Van Buren, seeing him as unsympathetic to struggling citizens. Harrison campaigned vigorously and won. After giving the longest inauguration speech (about 1 hour, 45 minutes) in U.S. history, Harrison served only one month as president before dying of pneumonia on April 4, 1841.
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