1840 年的木屋競選活動(Log Cabin Campaign)
The Log Cabin Campaign of 1840
為了吸引南方民眾的支持,前維吉尼亞州參議員約翰泰勒(John Tyler)成為輝格黨的副總統提名人;輝格黨的策略是避免討論困難的國家議題 – 如黑奴問題或國家銀行議題 – 藉以贏得選舉,您知道哈里森與泰勒在1840年提出的競選口號為何呢?
Having tried unsuccessfully to become the new Whig Party's only candidate for president in 1836 (he ended up being one of three), William Henry Harrison continued campaigning for the nomination until the next election cycle. At the December 1839 Whig convention, Harrison became the party's official nominee for president.
To attract support in the South, former Virginia Senator John Tyler was named the Whig nominee for vice president. The Whig strategy was to win the election by avoiding discussion of difficult national issues such as slavery or the national bank. What campaign slogan did Harrison and Tyler use in the 1840 presidential election? 
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