
(Little Rock's Central High School)
(Arkansas National Guard)

艾森豪及小巖城危機 (Little
Rock Crisis)
您能想像武裝軍隊擋在前面,阻止您去上學的情況嗎?那就是1957年的秋季,發生在阿肯色州小巖城 (Little
Rock) 的真實情景
。當時的州長法柏斯 (Governor
Orval Faubus) 下令阿肯色州國民警衛隊 (Arkansas
National Guard) 阻止非裔美人進入中央中學 (Central
High School)
就讀。法柏斯州長公然反抗 1954年
時,最高法院針對「布朗控告堪薩斯州托匹卡教育當局」 (Brown
vs. Topeka) 一案所做出之判決,該判決命令美國公立學校「依所需的從容速度」廢除種族隔離制度;身為美國最高法律執行官員的艾森豪總統面臨了一個困難的問題,他想要維護憲法及法律,但也想要避免情緒高漲的阿肯色州內,可能發生的流血衝突。您認為艾森豪做了什麼事?
Can you imagine armed troops blocking you from going to school? That's what happened in Little Rock, Arkansas in the Fall of 1957, when Governor Orval Faubus ordered the Arkansas National Guard to prevent African American students from enrolling at Central High School. Governor Faubus was openly defying a 1954 Supreme Court decision, Brown vs. Topeka, which ordered that U.S. public schools be desegregated "with all deliberate speed." President Dwight D. Eisenhower, as the chief law enforcement officer of the United States, was presented with a difficult problem. He wanted to uphold the Constitution and the laws, but also avoid a possible bloody confrontation in Arkansas, where emotions ran high. What do you think Eisenhower did?
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