

艾森豪的D-Day (軍事攻擊日) 決定
攻擊 the
invasion of Normandy)。1944年6月2日
深夜,艾森豪、他的高級將領及英國首相邱吉爾 (Winston
Churchill) 開會檢
The Allied planners knew they could not control the weather for D-Day ("D-Day" was the first day of any military operation during the war. The expression "D-Day" has come to mean the greatest single Allied operation of World War II, the invasion of Normandy). Late on the evening of June 2, 1944, Eisenhower, his top generals, and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill met to review the weather forecast. The news was not good--D-Day, June 5, promised cloudy skies, rain, and heavy seas. Eisenhower decided to wait another day to see whether the forecast might improve. Less than 24 hours before the scheduled invasion Eisenhower gathered his advisers again. The forecast indicated that the rain would stop and there would be breaks in the clouds by mid-afternoon on June 5. What do you think Eisenhower did?
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