(Duke Ellington Orchestra)
(Irving Berlin)、齊格飛
(Florenz Ziegfeld)、阿爾喬森
(Al Jolson)、蓮娜荷恩
(Lena Horn)、艾拉費茲潔若
(Ella Fitzgerald)、馬克斯羅契(Max
(Count Basie)、路易阿姆斯壯
(Louis Armstrong)、瑪哈莉雅傑克森
(Mahalia Jackson)、平克勞斯貝
(Bing Crosby)及許許多多數不盡的名人合作過。艾靈頓及其樂團保持著步調快速的工作表邁入1970年代早期。
The Duke Ellington Orchestra was on the road for 50 years and kept up an incredible schedule. The band often performed two shows a day and sometimes even added in a recording session. Ellington's music was familiar to people in the U.S. and abroad--no place was too small or too grand for "the Duke," as he was known, to play. Over the years Ellington worked with many famous people, including Irving Berlin, Florenz Ziegfeld, Al Jolson, Lena Horn, Ella Fitzgerald, Max Roach, Count Basie, Louis Armstrong, Mahalia Jackson, Bing Crosby, and many more. Ellington and his band kept up their fast-paced touring schedule into the early 1970s.
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