
York Philharmonic)

許多人在得到機會後而開始職業生涯。1943年11月13日時,倫納德伯恩斯坦在紐約市的卡內基音樂廳 (Carnegie
Hall) 擔任紐約愛樂交響樂團的指揮,這是他的初次登臺。也是伯恩斯坦的大好機會跟他音樂生涯中的轉捩點;他會取得這次機會是因為另一位指揮布魯諾華爾特 (Bruno
Walter) 生病了,所以由他代替上場。
Many people's careers begin after they get a "break." On November 14, 1943, Leonard Bernstein made his debut as a conductor for the New York Philharmonic at Carnegie Hall in New York City. This was Bernstein's "big break," and a major turning point in his career. He got this break because he was substituting for another conductor, Bruno Walter, who had fallen ill.
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