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Meet Amazing Americans arrow 領袖與政治人物 arrow瑟古德馬歇爾 (Thurgood Marshall)

馬歇爾(中央)與律師同事們慶祝在最高法院案件的勝訴。 Marshall (center) celebrated with his fellow lawyers on the Supreme Court victory.
馬歇爾(中央)與律師同事們慶祝在最高法院案件的勝訴。 Marshall (center) celebrated with his fellow lawyers on the Supreme Court victory.

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從Briggs案 到 Brown案



He took the case to the U.S. Supreme Court. There were four other similar cases before the court, so all the cases were joined together and called Brown v. Board of Education.

After many months, the Supreme Court unanimously agreed with Marshall. He won a great victory, but there was still a long road to travel before everyone had the same civil rights in America.

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