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Meet Amazing Americans 領袖與政治人物 馬歇爾 (George Catlett Marshall)
ERP (Marshall Plan) promotional poster
馬歇爾計畫 (Marshall Plan) 為遭受重創的歐洲帶來食物及援助

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Excerpts from Marshall Plan Speech, June 5, 1947, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

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Marshall returned to the United States with a bold new idea. In a speech at Harvard University, he urged Americans to help the people of Europe. He then worked hard to persuade Congress to give $13 billion in aid to European countries -- even to Germany, which had been our enemy in the war. The damaged nations used this money to repair factories, improve farming, rebuild schools, and restore towns. The Marshall Plan put these countries on a path of lasting peace. For this great achievement, Marshall received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1953.

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CREDIT: Poster promoting European Recovery Program (Marshall Plan) in English and German, ca. 1947-1952. Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress.
AUDIO CREDIT: Excerpts from George C. Marshall, Marshall ; Plan Speech, June 5, 1947, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Courtesy of George C. Marshall Foundation.