二次世界大戰後,喬治馬歇爾認為他為國家服務可以結束了,但他錯了;1945年,他退休後的隔日,杜魯門總統 (President
Harry S. Truman) 要求馬歇爾出發到中國,完成一項外交任務,到了1947年1月時,杜魯門總統正式指派馬歇爾為國務卿。接任這項新工作後,馬歇爾於冬季巡視戰後歐洲,卻對眼前的景象感到震驚不己,您認為他看到了什麼?
After World War II, George Marshall thought his service to his country was over. He was wrong. The day after his retirement in 1945, President Harry S. Truman asked Marshall to go to China for a diplomatic mission, and in January 1947, the Truman appointed Marshall as secretary of state. In this new job, Marshall toured war-torn Europe that winter and was shocked by what he discovered. What do you think he saw?
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