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Meet Amazing Americans arrow 領袖與政治人物 arrow班傑明富蘭克林 (Benjamin Franklin)

班傑明富蘭克林的印刷廠Benjamin Franklin's printing press
班傑明富蘭克林的印刷廠Benjamin Franklin's printing press

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身為印刷商的班傑明富蘭克林 Benjamin Franklin, the Printer

班傑明的確實現了這個想法,他終於在費城開設了自己的印刷廠,印刷廠印製各式各樣的東西、甚至包含費城的紙鈔在內,還有他自己的報紙「費城報」(Pennsylvania Gazette)、個人著作《窮漢理查的曆書》(Poor Richard's Almanac);在他的一生中,班傑明雖然仍有其他多項成就,但他自己總是稱自己為一名印刷業者。

And Benjamin did make it on his own. Eventually he opened his own printing shop in Philadelphia. Benjamin's shop printed all kinds of things including Pennsylvania's currency (money), his own newspaper, the Pennsylvania Gazette, and his Poor Richard's Almanac. For the rest of his life, regardless of his other accomplishments, Benjamin always considered himself a printer.

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