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Meet Amazing Americans 領袖與政治人物 布萊安 (William Jennings Bryan)
John Scott Clubb's drawing, 'Booty.'

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內政部長法蘭金連恩 (Franklin K. Lane) ,針對德國擊沈盧西塔尼亞號一事發出譴責。

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1915年,布萊安的信仰面臨考驗;當時,德國潛艇擊沈了英國船艦「盧西塔尼亞號」,船上的100多位美國人,無一倖存。威爾遜總統寫了一封信,強烈譴責德國人的攻擊 。但布萊安深恐,一旦他簽署了這封信,將會激起兩國間的戰爭,所以他選擇辭職不簽署信件。您是否曾因為某件事違背了您的信仰,而拒絕參與?而結果又如何?

Bryan's beliefs were put to the test when a German submarine sank the British ship Lusitania in 1915. More than 100 Americans on board were killed. President Wilson wrote a letter that strongly condemned the German attack. Bryan feared that if he signed the letter, it would provoke war with Germany. Rather than sign it, he resigned. Have you ever refused to do something because it went against what you believed in? What were the consequences?

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出處: Clubb, John Scott, artist. "Booty." May 11, 1915. Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress.
AUDIO CREDIT: Lane, Franklin K., 1864-1921. "The Nation in arms." American Leaders Speak: Recordings from World War I and the 1920 Election, 1918-1920, Library of Congress.