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Meet Amazing Americans 領袖與政治人物 布萊安 (William Jennings Bryan)
Cartoon, 'Another Explosion at Hand.'
1900年競選時布萊安吹走競爭對手麥利金(William McKinley) 的

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布萊安的競爭對手:共和黨的威廉麥金利 (William McKinley) 擊敗布萊安贏得選舉。麥金利比布萊恩募得更多款項而且成功說服選民放棄「金本位制」(gold standard)將會導致通貨膨脹、貨物及服務價格上揚。麥金利說服選民相信自由鑄造銀幣運動是一個壞點子。結果麥金利以 710 萬張選票超過布萊的 650 萬張票而贏得選舉。但漫畫家還是畫了布萊安吹走其競爭對手的畫。

Bryan's opponent, Republican William McKinley, beat Bryan at his own game. His campaign raised far more money than Bryan's did and he was able to persuade voters that dropping the "gold standard" would lead to inflation, rising prices for goods and services. McKinley convinced the people that the Free Silver Movement was a bad idea. As a result, McKinley won the election with 7.1 million votes to Bryan's 6.5 million. But that didn't stop cartoonists from drawing pictures in which Bryan blows away his rival!

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