

世界和平是卡內基追求的另一個理想。他創立了卡內基國際和平促進會 (Carnegie
Endowment for International Peace) 並在荷蘭興建了內有國際法庭的海牙和平宮 (Hague
Palace of Peace) 大樓。直到1911年為止,卡內基捐贈高達他財產90%的一大筆錢。您能想到其他把大部分財產都花在值得支持的理想上的美國人嗎?您會捐款支助那些項目呢?
World peace was another cause Carnegie believed in. He established the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and funded the building of the Hague Palace of Peace, which houses the World Court, in the Netherlands. By 1911, Carnegie had given away a huge amount of money -- 90 percent of his fortune. Can you think of some other Americans who have given away a large part of their fortunes to support a worthy cause? What causes would you choose to support?
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