卡內基在商業界的成就極為出色,他成為一位非常有錢的人,事實上,當他退休時,他是世界上最富有的人。但他對於某些其致富的方法,卻擁有複雜的感受,因此導致他決定要把他大部分的錢都捐獻出去。他的父親如知道卡內基死前已經捐助了3億5千多萬 (換算成1996年的幣值,約等於30多億) ,他應該會感到很欣慰。看到卡內基的父母矛盾價值觀是如何影響卡內基的為人,是一件很有意思的事。您成長過程中所學到的價值觀裡,是否有那些是彼此牴觸的?
Carnegie was extremely successful in business. He became a very wealthy man. In fact, when he retired, he was the richest man in the world. But he had mixed feelings about some of the ways in which he made his fortune, so as a result, he decided to give much of his money away. His father would have liked knowing that by the time he died, Carnegie had given away over $350 million, equal to more than $3 billion in 1996 dollars. It is interesting to see how Carnegie's parents' opposing values affected him as a person. Were you brought up with any values that are in conflict with each other?
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