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Meet Amazing Americans 冒險家與探險家 路易斯克拉克 (Lewis and Clark)
Black and white painting of Sacagawea standing on a hilltop

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路易斯和克拉克遇見休休尼人 (Shoshone)

1805817日,其他的隊員終於出現了。莎卡嘉薇亞及部隊的另一個人是最先見到路易斯及休休尼人的人。莎卡嘉薇亞認出此地區是她的家鄉,並發現此一群休休尼人是她的族人,事實上,酋長 Cameahwait竟然是她的兄弟。每一人都在歡慶這一個幸運的巧合,他們甚至將會合地命名為幸運營地 (Camp Fortunate) 。現在,路易斯和克拉克能夠帶著休休尼人的馬繼續他們的旅程了。

Finally, on August 17, 1805, the rest of the Corps arrived. Sacagawea and another member of the Corps were the first to see Lewis and the Shoshone. Sacagawea recognized the area as her home and now she recognized this band of Shoshone as her people. In fact, Chief Cameahwait was her brother! Everyone celebrated this lucky coincidence. They even named the meeting place Camp Fortunate. Now Lewis and Clark could continue their expedition with Shoshone horses.

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