。韋斯很小就喪父,他跟他媽媽賽瑟西亞 (Cecilia
Steiner Weiss) 在各方面都十分親近
。這是1886年時,他寄給他媽媽的一張卡片,底下的簽名為「您的懶散兒子,韋斯」 (Your
truant son, Erich Weiss)
addition to working on his physical strength, Houdini also worked on his
mental strength. Weiss ran away from home when he was just 12 years old
in order to earn money and seek adventure on his own. Weiss lost his
father at an early age. He maintained a very close relationship with his
mother, Cecilia Steiner Weiss, throughout her life. This is a postcard
he sent to his mom in 1886. He signed it from "Your truant son, Erich
Weiss." Because he left home at such a young age, it was important for
Houdini to be able to rely on himself. How do you think this helped him
in his career?