野牛比爾另一較為知名的身份為大草原 (Great
的冠軍水牛殺手,所以若有重要來賓來訪,進行狩獵活動時最好由誰來帶隊呢?當蘇俄阿列克塞大公爵 (Grand
Duke Alexis of Russia) 1872年造訪美國時,當地政府安排野牛比爾負責帶領運貨馬車隊伍。野牛比爾認識許多印地安人,而且他也能說服一位名叫斑紋尾巴 (Spotted
Tail) 的著名蘇族印地安人及他村莊內的人加入這場狩獵行動。
Buffalo Bill was known as the champion buffalo killer of the Great Plains, so who better to take an important visitor on a hunt? When the Grand Duke Alexis of Russia came to visit in 1872, it was arranged that Buffalo Bill would lead the wagon train. Buffalo Bill knew many Indians and he was able to convince a famous Sioux Indian named Spotted Tail and his village to join the hunt.