
Protesters were beaten.

以投票創造改變 Voting for Change
一個月後,一名抗議者吉米李傑克森(Jimmie Lee Jackson)被州警槍殺身亡,傑克森的死訊激發金恩和其他民權運動者發起了投票權的示威遊行,從賽爾碼市到該州首府蒙哥馬利郡。
King went to Washington, D.C., to discuss a voting rights bill with President Lyndon Johnson. Although the president was supportive, he didn't think the bill could pass. He told King to wait, but King did not want to wait. He and other activists decided to protest in Selma, Alabama. Selma was a typical Southern city. Very few blacks were registered to vote, even though about half the population was black. The protests began in January 1965.
A month later, a protester, Jimmie Lee Jackson, was shot and killed by state troopers. Jackson's death spurred King and the others to organize a voting-rights protest march from Selma to Montgomery, the state capital.
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