
Du Bois) 1868-1963

威廉愛德華布格哈特杜博斯 (William
Edward Burghardt Du Bois) 是一位有名的學者、編輯及非裔美人行動主義者;杜博斯是美國有色人種促進會 (National
Association for the Advancement of Colored People) 的創辦會員(NAACP –美國歷史最悠久、規模最大的人權組織);終其一生,杜博斯全力對抗差別待遇及種族歧視;透過他的著作及慷慨激昂的演講內容,他致力於講述、討論種族關係、政治及歷史等議題,對20世紀前半部的美國歷史貢獻良多;杜博斯也身任危機
雜誌的主編並發行了幾本關於種族及非裔美人歷史的學術作品;在他死前 (即1963年前) ,他已著有17本書、編輯過四本期刊並在重新塑造美國境內的黑白關係上扮演了一個關鍵的角色。
William Edward Burghardt Du Bois was a noted scholar, editor, and African American activist. Du Bois was a founding member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP -- the largest and oldest civil rights organization in America). Throughout his life Du Bois fought discrimination and racism. He made significant contributions to debates about race, politics, and history in the United States in the first half of the 20th century, primarily through his writing and impassioned speaking on race relations. Du Bois also served as editor of The Crisis magazine and published several scholarly works on race and African American history. By the time he died, in 1963, he had written 17 books, edited four journals and played a key role in reshaping black-white relations in America.
