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Meet Amazing Americans 社會運動家與改革家 凱薩查維斯 (Cesar Chavez)  
Cesar Chavez in 1966

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就像他的抗爭活動,凱薩查維斯的死亡也極其平和;1993年,查維斯於亞利桑那州的聖路易,沈睡中過世。一個他曾發表聲明,表示抵制蔬菜種植者的地方。估計他出葬時,約有50,000名哀悼者前來送行;1994年時,為表彰查維斯對墨西哥裔美國人及社會公義的貢獻,比爾柯林頓總統特別授予自由勳章給他的遺孀海倫查維斯 (Helen Chavez) ,這個勳章是美國平民的最高榮譽。

Like his protests, Cesar Chavez died peacefully. In 1993, he died in his sleep in San Luis, Arizona, where he had gone to testify against vegetable growers. An estimated 50,000 mourners attended his funeral service. In recognition of Chavez's importance as a leader of the Mexican American community and a champion of social justice, President Bill Clinton awarded the Medal of Freedom, the nation's highest civilian honor, to his widow, Helen Chavez, in 1994.
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