凱薩查維斯一生中的大部分時間都在加州的農場上工作,農場的薪資低且沒有什麼設備可供工人使用。他想要改善此一情況,所以1950年代時,他開始將農用工人組成一個工會,並向他們的僱主要求合理薪資及完善的工作環境。1962年時,查維斯及他的同事韋爾塔朵樂絲 (Dolores
Huerta) 成立了全國農場工人協會 (NFWA:National
Farm Workers Association) 。
Cesar Chavez spent most of his life working on farms in California, where pay was low and comforts were few. He wanted to improve the situation, so in the 1950s, he started organizing agricultural workers into a labor union that would demand higher pay and better working conditions from their employers. In 1962, Chavez and fellow organizer Dolores Huerta founded the National Farm Workers Association (NFWA).
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