農場季節工人的工作環境極為惡劣且不安全,他們的薪資低到無法支付家庭所需。查維斯一家的基本需求時常短缺 (如:乾淨的水或廁所) 。由於農場季節工人大部分都是墨西哥裔美國人,所以時常遭人歧視,而他們的小孩則必須輟學工作,以幫忙改善家裡的經濟狀況。
Working conditions for migrant workers were harsh and often unsafe. Their wages were low, and it was difficult to support a family. Cesar's family frequently did not have access to basic needs such as clean water or toilets. Because a large number of migrant workers were Mexican American, they also often faced prejudice, and their children had to skip school to earn wages to help support the family.
Cesar Chavez attended about 30 schools in California as his family moved from place to place to find work. After the eighth grade Cesar had to quit school to support his ailing parents. Have you ever had to change schools because your family moved? Can you imagine what it would be like to have to do this 30 times?
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