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從「威爾莫特但書」(Wilmot Proviso) 到1850年的妥協方案 (Compromise of 1850)


「來自南方的聲音」:這份文件內含的信件來自於反對「威爾莫特但書」(Wilmot Proviso)的那些州。

「來自南方的聲音」:這份文件內含的信件來自於反對「威爾莫特但書」(Wilmot Proviso)的那些州。

出處: "A voice from the South: comprising Letters from Georgia to Massachusetts, and to the southern states. With an appendix containing an article from the Charleston mercury on the Wilmot proviso ..." Authorship attributed to Augustus Baldwin Longstreet [1790-1870]; cf. Davidson, J. W., The living writers of the South, 1869, p. 340; and Wade, J. D., Augustus Baldwin Longstreet, 1924, p. 285 and index. Baltimore, Western Continent Press, 1847 [1848]. Library of Congress, African American Pamphlet Collection. Digital I.D. (No Reproduction Number given): rbaapc 16300.