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Jump Back in Time 第一次世界大戰與爵士時代  (1914-1928)
Countee Cullen, 1941
康提‧庫倫:一個影響力深遠的老師,為他的學生們打開的視野 (攝於紐約市中央公園)

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小說家、散文家,以及劇作家詹姆士‧包得溫 (James Baldwin) 出生於192482

包得溫在1953年出版了他的第一本,也是他最有名的小說:向蒼天呼籲 (Go Tell it on the Mountain) 。這是一本有關哈林區教堂成員的故事。包得溫年輕時擔任牧師的經驗,使他寫下這本書。包得溫跟隨著父親的腳步,在他14歲時候就成為牧師。在那時候,包得溫遇到了一個有名的詩人康提庫倫 (Countee Cullen) 。庫倫是包得溫念中學時的法文老師。在我們的生命中,都會遇到一些幫助我們找到未來方向的人。庫倫是哈林區文藝復興運動 (以藝術表達非裔美人的文化) 的領袖之一,就是指引包得溫生涯方向的那個人。

Baldwin wrote his first and most famous novel, Go Tell It on the Mountain published in 1953, about one day in the lives of members of a Harlem church. It was inspired by his experience as a young preacher. Following in his father's footsteps, Baldwin stepped onto the pulpit when he was only 14 years old. About this time, Baldwin met a famous poet named Countee Cullen. Cullen was Baldwin's middle school French teacher. We all have people in our lives that help us somehow get to the places we want to go. Cullen, a leader of the Harlem Renaissance (African American expression through the arts), did this for James Baldwin.
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