小說家、散文家,以及劇作家詹姆士‧包得溫 (James
Baldwin) 出生於1924年8月2日
庫倫為包得溫和其他哈林區的黑人開啟了文學與藝術的世界,此外,庫倫也把他的後半生奉獻給兒童們的教育。庫倫教導包得溫的法文,對包得溫也有很大的幫助。包得溫在1948年時搬到巴黎,並且在那裡完成了許多有名的作品,例如散文集土生子札記 (Notes of a Native Son,1955) 等。他在這本散文集中抨擊被歸類為「黑人作家」 (Negro Writer) 。包得溫的後半輩子都在美國與法國之間往返,並且在他的文章中探討種族與認同的議題。包得溫發現寫作是一種探討與分享觀念最有意義的方法。你應該試試看。你想要探討哪些議題呢?
Cullen opened up a new world of literary and artistic possibilities for Baldwin and other black youths in Harlem, dedicating the last years of his life to the education of children. The French that Cullen taught Baldwin to speak came in handy too. Baldwin moved to Paris in 1948 and there wrote more famous works such as the essay collection
Notes of a Native Son in 1955 in which he argued against being classified as a "Negro writer." He "commuted" between France and the U.S. the rest of his life, exploring issues of race and identity in his writing. Baldwin found writing to be a meaningful way to explore and share ideas. Try it. What ideas will you explore?
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