小說家、散文家,以及劇作家詹姆士‧包得溫 (James
Baldwin) 出生於1924年8月2日
「他轉身面對窗戶,看著窗外說:『所有的仇恨、悲傷,以及愛戀都在那裡。那個街道沒有因為這些情感而分裂,真是一個奇蹟。』」桑尼的藍調 (Sonny』s Blues) 一書中的主角桑尼說出這段話。這是一篇由詹姆士‧包得溫所寫的短篇故事,他同時也是小說家、散文家,以及劇作家。包得溫具有將人類情感以文字表達出來的天分。
"He turned back to the window, looking out. 'All that hatred down there,' he said, 'all that hatred and misery and love. It's a wonder it doesn't blow the avenue apart.'" So says Sonny in
Sonny's Blues, a short story by novelist, essayist, and playwright James Baldwin. Baldwin had a terrific gift for showing us human emotion.
Born the eldest of nine children on August 2, 1924, James Baldwin grew up in the poverty of Harlem, New York. He went on to become a major figure in both American literature and the civil rights movement. Have you or your family read any of his books?
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