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Jump Back in Time 鍍金時代  (1878-1889)

A screen shot from the 'Three Acrobats'


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湯瑪斯愛迪生 (Thomas Edison) 於1887831日為電影放映機 (kinetoscope) 申請專利

在黑色瑪麗亞片廠裡,愛迪生一共製作了200300部電影。你在1899年可以看到片廠製作的「三個特技演員」 (Three Acrobats) 這部電影。電影工業從那些早期影片開始,已經發展了很長一段時間。你知道愛迪生如果看到「星際大戰」 (Star Wars) 或「鐵達尼號」 (Titanic) ,他會說些什麼呢?

Edison produced between 200 and 300 films at the Black Maria. You can watch this film, "Three Acrobats," produced in the Black Maria in 1899. The motion picture industry has come a long way since these early films. What do you think Edison would say if he saw "Star Wars" or "Titanic"?
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VIDEO CREDIT: Thomas A. Edison, Inc. "Three Acrobats." 1899. The American Variety Stage: Vaudeville and Popular Entertainment, 1870-1920, Library of Congress.