湯瑪斯‧愛迪生 (Thomas
Edison) 於1887年8月31日為電影放映機 (kinetoscope) 申請專利
因為愛迪生想要拍許多電影,他和助理迪克生就設計建造了「黑色瑪麗亞」 (Black Maria) ,這是第一個拍片廠,在1893年正式完工。這個拍片廠的名字是警用囚車的俗稱,而據說這個片廠的外觀也很像是囚車。你能看著閃爍影像超過10分鐘嗎?
All the earliest movies were short because their creators, like Edison, didn't think people would stand the "flickers" for more than 10 minutes. The kinetoscope, which could only be viewed by one person at a time, was soon replaced by screen projectors, which showed the movie to a whole room of people at once.
Wanting to film a great number of motion pictures, Edison and his assistant W.K.L. Dickson designed the Black Maria, the first movie studio, completed in 1893. Its name is the slang for a police paddy wagon, which the studio was said to resemble. Could you watch the "flickers" for more than 10 minutes?
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