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Screenshot from film of San Francisco after the earthquake of 1906


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1906418日時,加州的舊金山遇到了北美洲有史以來的最強地震。自奧勒崗 (Oregon)的南部,至洛杉磯,東邊一直到內華達 (Nevada)的中部地區。當地的居民都可以感受到地面的強烈搖動。這個地震所形成的地球表面裂縫長約290哩,這個地震及其隨後發生的大火損毀了大部分的舊金山市。估計約有28,000棟建築物受損,市內近一半的人口無家可歸,並有3,000多人死亡。直到19891017日,舊金山才又發生了另一場大地震,您聽過這個地震嗎?1989年的地震所造成的損害並不嚴重,因為工程師們自1906年的地震經歷中,學到了更多跟防震有關的建築知識。

On April 18, 1906, one of the strongest earthquakes ever recorded in North America struck San Francisco, California. The shaking of the earth was felt all the way from southern Oregon to Los Angeles and as far east as central Nevada. The quake formed a crack in the earth's surface around 290 miles long. The earthquake and the great fire that followed destroyed much of the city of San Francisco. An estimated 28,000 buildings were lost, about half the city's population was left homeless, and more than 3,000 people perished. There was not another huge earthquake in San Francisco until October 17, 1989. Have you heard about that one? The damage in 1989 was not as severe, because the 1906 quake caused engineers to learn more about making buildings "earthquake-proof."
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VIDEO CREDIT: [Production company unknown]. "Unidentified Staples & Charles. No. 1, San Francisco after the earthquake and fire of 1906." Circa 1906. Before and After the Great Earthquake and Fire: Early Films of San Francisco, 1897-1916, Library of Congress.