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Meet Amazing Americans 美國總統 詹姆士門羅 (James Monroe)
詹姆士門羅 James Monroe

詹姆士門羅 James Monroe

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生於: 1758年4月28日,出生於維吉尼亞州威斯特摩蘭郡
死於: 1831年7月4日,逝世於紐約市

詹姆士門羅是美國第五任總統(1817-1825),他在外交政策上的卓越功績、因而有了以其姓氏命名的「門羅主義」(Monroe Doctrine),他的名字也是賴比瑞亞首都蒙羅維亞(Monrovia)的命名由來。賴比瑞亞是一個由美國受解放黑奴成立的國家,而門羅這位黑奴的擁有者,幫助他們完成回到非洲祖國的夢想。


James Monroe was the fifth president of the United States (1817-1825). He is perhaps best known for establishing the foreign policy principle that came to bear his name, the Monroe Doctrine. He is also the person for whom Monrovia, the capital city of Liberia, was named. Liberia is an African country founded by freed American slaves. Monroe, a slave owner, supported their repatriation (return to their place of origin) to Africa.

Before becoming president, Monroe spent many years in public service, both domestically and overseas, and was the first president to have been a U.S. senator. Although he studied law under Thomas Jefferson, he was not as brilliant as some other leading members of the Revolutionary generation. But his contemporaries liked and admired him for his sensible judgment, his honesty, and his personal kindness. Like his fellow Founding Fathers and fellow Presidents John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, he died on July 4, the anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the nation's official birthday.


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