杜懷特大衛艾森豪 (Dwight
David Eisenhower) 是一位能夠激勵人心的軍事領袖、暢銷書作者、哥倫比亞大學的校長及美國總統。身為美國最高將領,稍後更成為歐洲戰區的盟軍最高司令官 (Allied
Supreme Commander) ,在第二次世界大戰中,帶領盟軍於北非及義大利取得勝利,並負責協調大規模且成功的法國軍事攻擊開始日 (D-Day) 。因受其領導士兵及美國民眾喜愛,艾森豪曾任兩屆美國總統並以果斷及決心帶領美國渡過艱苦的冷戰早期。1961年,自公眾生活退休後,艾森豪仍繼續為國服務,身任甘迺迪及詹森總統的顧問。
Dwight David Eisenhower was an inspiring military leader, best-selling author, head of Columbia University, and president of the United States. As the top American general and later Allied Supreme Commander in the European theater, he directed Allied forces in World War II to victories in North Africa and Italy and coordinated the massive and successful D-Day invasion of France. Extraordinarily popular with both his soldiers and the American public, Eisenhower was twice elected to the presidency, where he led the United States with determination and purpose during the difficult early years of the Cold War. After his retirement from public life in 1961, Eisenhower continued to serve his country as an advisor to presidents Kennedy and Johnson.