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Meet Amazing Americans 美國總統 艾森豪 (Dwight D. Eisenhower)
Photograph of landing craft, 1944.

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艾森豪的 D-Day (軍事攻擊日) 決定

您曾否在時間的壓力下,做出棘手的決定過?1944年春天,身為歐洲戰區的盟軍最高司令官艾森豪將軍必須做出第二次世界大戰中最重要的決定,而且已經迫在眉睫了 。數以千計的盟軍部隊、水手及空軍士兵正在等待他的命令,準備開始進攻歐洲的大君主戰爭。艾森豪已經將該作戰行動延遲了一個月並延緩了其他的軍事作戰,目的是為了讓盟軍有足夠的時間建造及 搜集他們所需的登陸船。現在他設定了一個日期:194465日並要他的軍官及士兵做好準備 。然而,仍有一個因素是盟軍無法控制的,您知道是什麼嗎?

Have you ever had to make a tough decision under time pressure? In the spring of 1944, General Dwight D. Eisenhower, the Allied Supreme Commander in Europe, had to make one of the most important decisions of World War II and time was quickly running out. Hundreds of thousands of Allied troops, sailors, and airmen awaited his orders to begin Operation Overlord, the invasion of Europe. Eisenhower had already delayed Overlord for a month and postponed other military operations to allow the Allies enough time to build and gather together the landing craft they needed. He now set a date, June 5, 1944, and told his officers and men to be ready. Still, there was one factor beyond the Allies' control. Do you know what that was?

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