生於: 1918 年8月25日
死於: 1990年10月14日
倫納德伯恩斯坦 (Leonard
Bernstein) 是音樂界的先鋒。他是第一個享譽國際的美國管絃樂隊指揮。在伯恩斯坦出現前,所有歐洲及美國的偉大管絃樂隊都是由歐洲人或亞洲人所領導。伯恩斯坦以樂隊指揮身份環遊全世界並不停的鼓舞欣賞美國作曲家,特別是艾倫柯普蘭 (Aaron
Copland) 。伯恩斯坦不只為古典音樂作曲,也為百老匯 (Broadway) 譜樂,他的作品有「西城故事」 (West
Side Story, 1957) 及「錦城春色」 (On
the Town ,1944) 。 他大多與紐約愛樂交響樂團一起合作,他們攜手進行了好幾次的巡迴演出並共同錄製音樂。
Leonard Bernstein was a pioneer in the field of music. He was the first internationally acclaimed American-born orchestra conductor. Before Bernstein, all the great orchestras in Europe, as well as America, were led by someone from Europe or Asia. Bernstein traveled the world as a conductor and encouraged appreciation of the music of American composers, especially Aaron Copland. Bernstein not only composed classical works but also wrote music for Broadway, including West Side Story (1957) and On the Town (1944). For much of his life, he worked closely with the New York Philharmonic, with which he made several international tours and recordings.