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See, Hear and Sing 童歌
Healthy Children in Clean Backyard, Washington, D.C. September 1935.


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賽門(Pearline Simmons)與蘇利文(Theresa Sullivan)所表演的「小女孩,小女孩!是的,女士!」,5/16/1939

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這首歌是另一首兒童歌唱遊戲,進行方式為一群女孩回答另一個女孩提出的問題。1939年,在路易斯安那州的校園內,校內的學生們利用下課時間進行「小女孩,小女孩!是的,女士!」 (Little Gal, Little Gal, Yes, Ma'am) 歌唱遊戲。您認為歌詞會依歌者不同而隨之改變嗎?

This song was another children's singing game with a group of girls responding to one girl's questions. "Little Gal, Little Gal, Yes, Ma'am" was played at recess on the schoolyard in Louisiana in 1939. Do you think the words changed depending on who sang the song?
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出處: Mydans, Carl, photographer. "Healthy Children in Clean Backyard, Washington, D.C.." September 1935. America from the Great Depression to World War II: Photographs from the FSA and OWI, ca. 1935-1945, Library of Congress.
AUDIO CREDIT: Simmons, Pearline and Sullivan, Theresa, performers. "Little Gal, Little Gal, Yes, Ma'am." May 16, 1939. Southern Mosaic: The John and Ruby Lomax 1939 Southern States Recording Trip, Library of Congress.