您曾經見過遭砲彈毀壞或炸藥炸毀的建築物嗎?觀看拆毀建築物有一種奇異的迷人感受;1902年時,位居紐約市第13街 (13th
Street) 的「星星戲院」 (Star
被拆毀。星星戲院建於內戰時期,於1861年開始營業,當時叫做「沃利克戲院」 (Wallack's
Theatre) ,1883年時正式改名為星星戲院。它曾擁有相當多出色的作品,且多由當時一時之選的演員主演的輝煌歷史。有人估計這部使用間歇性拍攝法 (time-lapse
photography) 呈現建築物拆毀的影片,耗時超過30天拍攝。現在拆毀一棟建築物需要多久的時間呢?
Have you ever seen a wrecking ball demolish a building or a structure blown up by dynamite? There is something strangely fascinating about watching the destruction of a building. In 1902, the Star Theatre building on 13th Street in New York City was demolished. The Star Theatre had been around since the Civil War. It opened in 1861 as Wallack's Theatre, and was renamed the Star in 1883. It had a rich history of excellent productions with some of the best actors of the time. It's estimated that this film, which shows the destruction of the building using time-lapse photography, was shot over a period of 30 days. Nowadays, how long does it take to tear down a building?
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