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See, Hear and Sing 卡通片

A screen shot from 'Gertie on Tour-excerpts.'

「葛蒂的旅途」(Gertie on Tour)1921

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(Winsor McCay) ,來自於密西根州春天湖 (Spring Lake) 他是個為好幾份報紙工作的漫畫家 他將他的連環漫畫主角「小尼莫」 (Little Nemo) 改編成一部非常成功的動畫影片之後,他創造了更多的短篇卡通,「恐龍葛蒂」 (Gertie the Dinosaur) 便是其一;在這部影片中,住在現代社會中的葛蒂遇到了一連串的事件並夢想成為派對的靈魂人物。

In the years following the very earliest animation, cartoonists and filmmakers developed several ways to give fictional characters movement. Individual artists had their own unique style of animation.

One early pioneer of cartoon films was Winsor McCay, who was from Spring Lake, Michigan. McCay worked as a cartoonist for several newspapers. He turned his comic strip hero, Little Nemo, into the subject of a highly successful animated film. After that, he made many more short cartoons including "Gertie the Dinosaur." In this film, Gertie, who lives in the modern world, encounters a train and dreams of being the life of the party.

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VIDEO CREDIT: McCay, Winsor. "Gertie on Tour-excerpts." Rialto Productions? 1921. Origins of American Animation, Library of Congress.