布常是來自於製作家人新衣後,所剩無幾的碎布或無法再穿的舊衣物。其中一塊布料可能是製作妹妹的禮拜服 (Sunday
dress) 後,多出來的布料;而另一塊則是已經過度磨損,無法繼續使用的工作襯衫,它本來是爸爸的最愛。您認為拼布還能做什麼?
Making a quilt often means more than just making a really warm blanket; sometimes it's like putting together a scrapbook of memories. In the past, quilts were often sewn from scraps of fabric left over from making the family clothes or from old clothes that couldn't be worn any longer. One piece might be some extra fabric not used for a sister's new Sunday dress, and another from a father's favorite worn-out work shirt. What else do you think quilts can do?
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