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A diagram of waltz steps from a 1922 dance instruction manual

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"Anna Magdalena Waltz" 由 Julio Gomez 的管絃樂團演奏,1939

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美妙的華爾滋 (Waltz)


(old-school waltz)是華爾滋的傳統形式,即舞者不停地旋轉,再加上轉圈及輕快的踏步 。這種華爾滋踩著緩慢、平滑及流暢的舞步 (您可以參見圖示內的舞步輪廓)。另有一種墨西哥華爾滋 (Mexican waltz) ,它的移動速度較快 。只要聽過墨西哥華爾滋的音樂,您就能夠想像舞者必須要動的多快,以追上音樂的節奏。


There are lots of different kinds of waltzes, all performed to different types of waltz music. The music might be fast or slow but what they all have in common is a regular one-two-three, one-two-three rhythm.

The traditional form is the old-school waltz in which dancers turn all the time with a hopping, springy step. This waltz has a slow, smooth, gliding step. (You can see the steps outlined in this diagram.) There's also the Mexican waltz, which moves much faster. Listen to this Mexican waltz music and you can imagine how fast the dancers had to move to keep up with the music.

Formal dancing has even become a profession, with people entering competitions. Have you ever seen a formal dance competition?

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出處: Frank, Charles J. (Charles Julius), ed. "The latest method, home instruction by mail, dancing courses..." Philadelphia, Pa., The Beacon Academy, 1922. An American Ballroom Companion: Dance Instruction Manuals, ca. 1490-1920, Library of Congress.
AUDIO 出處: Julio Gomez' Orchestra, performers. "Anna Magdalena Waltz." February 18, 1939. California Gold: Northern California Folk Music from the Thirties. Collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell, Library of Congress.